القيود الموجودة: 196 للبحث عن: "EAST INDO EUROPEAN
الترتيب حسب: المؤلف - العنوان - تاريخ النشر
- mackenzie,d.n. -- kurdish dialect studies-1/vol.9 -- 1961 -- B
- mackenzie,d.n. -- kurdish dialect studies-1/vol.10 -- 1962 -- B
- bykova,e.u. editor v.u. beshrovny -- the bengali language -- 1981 -- B
- kadisheva,nafalie -- learning russian/vol.1 -- n.d. -- B
- kadisheva,nafalie -- learning russian/vol.2 -- n.d. -- B
- kadisheva,nafalie -- learning russian/vol.3 -- n.d. -- B
- kadisheva,nafalie -- learning russian/vol.4 -- n.d. -- B
- jha,subhadra -- the formation of the maithili language -- 1985 -- B
- taufiq wahby c.j.edmonds -- kurdish-english dictioary -- 1971 -- b
- khanlari p.n. translator n.h.ansari -- a history of the persian languages/vol2 -- 1979 -- b
- editor das,veena prefence t.n.madan -- the word and the world -- 1986 -- b
- fallon,s.w. -- new hindustani-english dictioary -- 187 -- b
- potapova,nina -- russian elementary course/ book2 -- n.d. -- b
- potapova,nina -- russian elementary course/book1 -- 1959 -- b
- mackenzie,d.n. -- ;urdish dialect studies/book2 vol.10 -- 1962 -- b
- mackenzie,d.n. -- kurdish dialect studies/book1 vol.9 -- 1961 -- b
- preface h.l.sharma -- a basic grammar of modren hindi spoken and written -- 1975 -- b
- sharp norman contab -- the inscriptions in old persian couneiform of the achemieniari emperors -- n.d -- b
- muravyova,l.s translate v.korothy illustration v.alekeyev -- verbs of motion in russian -- 1972 -- b
- potapova.nina editor natalie kadisheva -- learning russian -- n.d -- b
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