القيود الموجودة: 3074 للبحث عن: "ROSENBERY,NATHAN AND L.E.BIRD,ILLU"
الترتيب حسب: المؤلف - العنوان - تاريخ النشر
- Jerrom,M.F. &L.L.szkutnik illu:michael ffolkes -- conversation exercises in every day english book 1 -- 1977 -- B
- Joel rayner -- Thermod ynamics level 3 -- 1984 -- B
- Flinn,A.richard -- fundamentals of metal casting -- 1963 -- B
- -- port of basrah. port rules and by-laws,1936. and quarantine regulations no.54 of 1935 -- 1936 -- B
- gentil genevieve -- Cultural development:epxeriences and policies -- 1983 -- B
- newson,keith editor a.dora gough,b.a -- the art of english -- 1977 -- B
- ressner,richard and taylor illu.by tony dyson -- technical english reader 2 -- 1985 -- B
- hornby,a.s and h.wakefield e.v.gatenby -- the advanced learners dictionary of current english -- 1965 -- B
- hornby,a.s with the assistance of a.p. cowie and j windsor lewis -- oxford advanced learners dictionary of current english -- 1975 -- B
- editor:harris,w.t -- websters new international dictionary of the english language -- 1926 -- B
- -- websters ninth new collegiate dictionary -- 1988 -- B
- perface by henry bosley woolf -- websters new collegiate dictionary -- 1973 -- B
- preface by philip b.gove -- websters seventh new collegiate dictionary -- 1969 -- B
- eckersley,c.e illustration charles salisbury and burgess sharrocks -- essential english for foreign students book one -- 1955 -- B
- eckersley,c.e illustration charles salisbury and burgess sharrocks -- essential english for foreign students book two -- 1961 -- B
- eckersley,c.e illustration charles salisbury and burgess sharrocks -- essential english for foreign students book two -- 1957 -- B
- eckersley,c.e illustration charles salisbury and burgess sharrocks -- essential english for foreign students book two -- 1955 -- B
- hamash,khalil adnan radhi khudheyers.ali pip -- the new english course for iraq book 6 pupils book -- 1982 -- B
- hamash,khalil adnan radhi khudheyers.ali pip -- the new english course for iraq book 6 -- 1983 -- B
- hamash,khalil adnan radhi khudheyers.ali pip -- the new english course for iraq book 6 techers gulde -- 1985 -- B
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