القيود الموجودة: 5166 للبحث عن: "nations united"
الترتيب حسب: المؤلف - العنوان - تاريخ النشر
- Laubach,fran c. -- Helping the united nations by making every bobys world safe -- 1947 -- B
- Rudd,benjamin w. arthur fisher -- decisions of the united states courts involving copyricht 1957-1958 -- 1972 -- B
- anton,thomas j -- federal aid to detroit -- 1983 -- B
- -- educational planing in the context of current development problems\vol.1 -- 1984 -- B
- thomson, godfrey h. -- amodern philosophical bases of eduation -- 1931 -- B
- cox,arther macy -- the myths of national security the perill of secret government -- 1975 -- B
- brock,jonathan -- managing peopel in public agenvies personnal and labor relations -- 1949 -- B
- galloway,george -- reform of the fedral budget -- 1950 -- B
- -- who runs congress -- 1979 -- B
- atteberry,george -- introduction to social science -- 1946 -- B
- -- an international bibliography of sociology -- 1951 -- B
- callison,herbert g. -- introduction to community based corrections -- 1983 -- B
- forward charles sawyer -- foreign commerce year book1948 -- 1950 -- B
- forward w.f.willougby -- standards and techniques of public admnistration with special reference to technical asistance for under developed contries -- 1951 -- B
- short,lioyd milton -- the development of national admnisrative organization in the united states -- 1923 -- B
- moreland,w.h. -- the revenue admnistration of the united provinces -- 1984 -- B
- jaber,saleh -- the cabinet programme -- 1947 -- B
- -- hearings before the subcommittee on labour of the committee on human resources -- 1977 -- B
- -- federal communications commission twenty fourth annual report for fiscal year 1958 -- 1964 -- B
- editore ervin laszio poel kurtzman -- the united states canada and the new international economic order -- 1979 -- B
1 - 20 من 5166
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